Horror Genre

The genre my group and I chose was horror because we felt it was the most interesting to break down and film. Horror has always been a genre that I have found to be super entertaining and nerve wrecking at the same time. I really enjoy thrill rides, water sports, tumbling, horseback riding, and zip-lining which all give me the same adrenaline rush that horror films do. Not only does horror leave me on the edge of my seat it always has me thinking about the technical stuff behind the filming of the movie. My group and I hope to discover the behind the scenes of filming horror movies and all the special effects and props you have to use to make the film scary. One of my favorite horror movies is the Babadook. I’ve watched this movie multiple times with my family and even my group members. This movie is about a little boy who is possessed by the “Babadook” which is a monster-like character from a book. Throughout the movie there is dark lighting, creepy music, and weird behavior from the characters. A specific scene that was really disturbing was when the little boy who was possessed pushed his young friend who was a girl off of a playset. This is when the mom started to really see his bad behavior. The mom, Amelia, felt disturbed by the book which was shown at the beginning of the movie. The book disturbing the mom was what drew me in because anything that could relate to me I found interesting. I have a ton of books at my house and I never thought of them to be something scary or have powers. The constant suspense and jump-scares also kept me interested throughout the film. Another horror film that I really enjoyed was 47 meters down. This movie was about two friends getting eaten by a shark while they were on vacation in Mexico. The beginning of the movie starts off with the two girls deciding to go on an adventure and take a cage down to the bottom of the ocean to swim with sharks. You can tell that something bad is going to happen when one of the girls who isn’t an experienced diver lies and says she is. As the cage went down to the bottom of the ocean it began to detach from the rope and eventually was completely detached. There were jump scares throughout and hallucinations which made the movie very entertaining towards the audience. In addition to The Babadook and 47 Meters Down, The Babysitter is another very suspenseful horror movie that I have watched. There is a little boy and very good looking babysitter who seems to me super involved in his life. This is an immediate clue that something very weird is going to happen. When she is over watching the boy he notices odd behavior and discovers that she is in a satanic cult. She stabs and kills a lot of people and he is on the run from her cult. This movie has a lot of jump scares and actions built into it. Overall, my favorite horror movies all have one thing in common which is keeping me on the edge of my seat.


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